On Beginning a Career in a Morgue

I’m now 18 books into a career that began in a morgue – really – and has taken me to the Maine islands where my latest, AN HONEST MAN, is set. After that many books, it’s interesting to look back for commonalities. The obvious answer is that they all fall under the...

The Globe and Mail on AN HONEST MAN

The story begins with a mass murder on a yacht. Seven men are dead, two of them U.S. senators, and the perfect suspect is at hand. Israel Pike is infamous as a man who killed his own father. Elsewhere on the island, a young boy runs away from an abusive father and...
Tribute to MWA Grand Master Michael Connelly

Tribute to MWA Grand Master Michael Connelly

On April 27, 2023, Michael joined Alafair Burke to present the Grand Master Award to Michael Connelly at the Mystery Writers of America Edgar Awards ceremony. Their tribute is below, as is the video of the presentation. Enjoy! Everybody Counts or Nobody Counts We have...

An Honest Man Audiobook

The audiobook of AN HONEST MAN, read by Robert Petkoff, is now available to order. You can hear an excerpt below and can preorder at: Amazon Audible Downpour Apple...
Wiip To Develop ‘An Honest Man’ For Television

Wiip To Develop ‘An Honest Man’ For Television

Independent studio wiip has preemptively acquired An Honest Man, an upcoming novel by Michael Koryta, to develop as a television drama series, with Koryta attached to pen the adaptation. Click here to read the...