Michael’s Rise the Dark Playlist

Music is a huge part of my writing process, and certain songs and artists seep into the individual books and characters. This is never more important than in the middle of a book, or during the first rewrites, when fresh energy is critical. I’ve had the pleasure of...

The Prophet Playlist

I write to music, and below are some of the songs that made the regular playlist while I wrote The Prophet. Although always influenced by music, I felt this novel was perhaps unusually connected to certain songs, and I’m grateful to the artists who provided them....

Last Words Playlist

Listen to Michael’s playlist for LAST WORDS and read a synopsis below of why each song made his list.   1. Beggar in the Morning, by The Barr Brothers I first encountered this song at a time when I was struggling with the character of Markus Novak, had...

Michael’s Musical Inspiration

Listen to Michael’s playlist for THOSE WHO WISH ME DEAD and see which songs he associates with the characters.   Michael Koryta’s THOSE WHO WISH ME DEAD Playlist 1) Brother, Lord Huron (Blackwell Brothers) 2) Jericho Road, Steve Earle (Ethan) 3)...

Interview with Matthew Ryan

I had the enormous of pleasure of chatting with Matthew Ryan in an interview for Paste magazine. Ryan’s lyrics from “Return to Me” serve as the epigraph for The Prophet, and his music has been a consistent part of the writing soundtrack for years....